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Infinite Genius

The life and voice of a writer who inspired his generation.

When the multitalented writer David Foster Wallace took his own life in 2008, readers lost a voice that captured their era with humor, heart, and dazzling intelligence. Drawing on a wealth of archival material, D.T. Max gives us a revelatory look at an author whose personal struggles underlay his groundbreaking books.

Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story: A Life of David Foster Wallace
D. T. Max

See more details below.


Barnes & Noble Narrows Its Losses as ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Lifts Sales

Barnes & Noble Narrows Its Losses as ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Lifts Sales

10:26 a.m. | Updated Add another happy beneficiary of the publishing powerhouse “Fifty Shades of Grey”: Barnes & Noble.

Sales of the erotic trilogy, which has dominated paperback and e-book best-seller lists for most of the year, along with the liquidation of the Borders chain in 2011, helped lift comparable bookstore sales in the fiscal first quarter at Barnes & Noble by 4.6 percent, the company said on Tuesday.

Barnes & Noble, the nation’s largest bookstore chain, reported narrowing losses of $41 million, or 78 cents a share, in the three months that ended July 28, compared with $56.6 million, or 99 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Revenue grew 2.5 percent, to $1.45 billion.

Nook sales, at $192 million, remained flat from the year before. Sales of digital content, which include books, newspapers, magazines and apps, increased 46 percent. Total college bookstore sales increased slightly to $221 million.

The company has poured money into its Nook business in order to compete with Amazon, Apple and other rivals in the crowded e-book market. Last week, it dropped the prices for its color tablets.

“During the first quarter, we continued to see improvement in both our rapidly growing Nook business, which saw digital content sales increase 46 percent during the quarter, and at our bookstores, which continue to benefit from market consolidation and strong sales of the ‘Fifty Shades’ series,” William Lynch, the chief executive of Barnes & Noble, said in a statement.

Analysts said they had hoped Barnes & Noble would be able to narrow its losses in the Nook business, particularly with increasingly heated competition in the tablet space this fall. Barnes & Noble is expected to introduce another new tablet in the coming months.

“On the positive side, the digital content is still growing pretty quickly, which means that either the overall end market is growing pretty quickly, which means that either the overall end market is growing or they’re taking share, which is encouraging,” Peter Wahlstrom, a senior analyst with Morningstar Equity Research, said in an interview.

To become profitable on the digital side, Barnes & Noble needs to increase its scale and distribution.

On Monday, Barnes & Noble made a long-awaited announcement that it would expand its Nook business into Britain beginning in October.


Into the Nothing, After Something

‘Why Does the World Exist?’ by Jim Holt

Personal anecdotes on subjects as varied as mortality and dining sit amid the philosophical musings in Jim Holt’s new book.


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在2011年的世锦赛上,年仅15岁的叶诗文就凭借出色的发挥赢得金牌从而震惊了世界,但在当时她的成绩却并未引发如此巨大的争议。实际上一年多的时间来,叶诗文为了奥运加倍努力训练,加上她的身体素质和运动天赋确实过人,成绩有大幅提升并非偶然。奥运会比世锦赛的关注度远远高的多,西方人不敢相信中国游泳运动员能取得如此好成绩,提出质疑也可以理解,想当年刘翔( 微博 官网 博客 简介)赢得2004雅典奥运会金牌后,西方记者为了证明他服用了禁药甚至不惜花重金收买其启蒙教练。如今,在伦敦奥组委和中国游泳队都排除了叶诗文服用禁药的可能后,一切争议有必要到此彻底叫停了,对于中国运动员来说,最好的回击质疑的方式,就是有更多的运动员在过去我们不擅长的项目上杀出一片天地,彻底证明自己的强大。